DSO Overflow
DSO Overflow
S4Ep2 - Resilient Cybersecurity with Kennedy Torkura
DSO Overflow S4EP2
Resilient Cybersecurity
Kennedy Torkura
In this month's episode, Steve and Glenn speak with Kennedy Torkura from Mitigant to talk about how to build cyber resiliency into your organisation.
Kennedy is a cybersecurity professional, CTO and co-founder at Mitigant who specialises continuous security verification and making cybersecurity resilience a first-class citizen in the cloud. Kennedy holds a doctorate in cybersecurity whose thesis covers continuous security paradigms in cloud-native infrastructure. He is also a contributor to the book Security Chaos Engineering released in 2023.
In this episode, Kennedy talks about security chaos engineering and how to build security resilience into your organisation. He tells us wha security security chaos engineering (SCE) is, how to start with SCE, and how SCE builds resilience. We also discuss the concepts around detect and respond and how cyber attack emulation creates a more cyber resilient mindset.
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
- Kennedy's LinkedIn profile
- Kennedy's Mitigant blog
- Kennedy's Medium
- Mitigant.io
- Security Chaos Engineering (book)
- Netflix Chaos Monkey
- DSO Overflow with Aaron Rinehart and Kennedy Torkura
DSO Overflow is a DevSecOps London Gathering production. Find the audio version on all good podcast sources like Spotify, Apple Podcast and Buzzsprout.
This podcast is brought to you by our sponsors: Prisma Cloud, Apiiro, and Sysdig
Your Hosts
Steve Giguere linkedin.com/in/stevegiguere
Glenn Wilson linkedin.com/in/glennwilson
Jessica Cregg linkedin.com/in/jessicacregg
DevSecOps - London Gathering
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